Monday, April 5, 2010

Supporting our Troops

My friend Jane has a ministry to the troops overseas, called "Team Red Take a Stand." She designed a logo of a kneeling soldier and had hockey shirts made which she gets people to sign and send to the troops as evidence of their love, support and appreciation. I have been helping her by designing journals and notebooks for them, as well as postcards with photos of soldiers to send.
There have been amazing signs all along the way that God is directing this ministry. However, recently, Jane has become discouraged, wondering what her next step is to be. On March 20, she cried out to God and asked Him for a sign that she was to continue her work.
Little did she know that I had sent her postcards to the printer and had quantities of each, as well as a sample of the notebook, printed as a surprise for her birthday.
On March 21, we met at Coffee Cultures and I, with excitement, presented her with her gift. She was stunned and said, "I just asked God last night for a sign that I was to continue...."
It was awesome to realize that I had had those cards printed before Jane asked for a sign. God had prepared the answer - by design - so that it was ready as soon as she asked!
Isaiah 58:9 "...then you will call and the Lord will answer."

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