Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Anatomy of a Miracle – Post #38 – 16 days to Move

Well - here I am on the eve of the last day of the condition. By tomorrow midnight, there will be no more suspense, no more drama. The tale will have been told.

This has been a very interesting journey – one that has held some amazing surprises. Every detail has come together for the purchase of this house except for the one factor which is totally in God's hands. This one factor could not only lift the latch on the door, welcoming me into my own home, but is the key evidence of whether or not God is in this adventure. If He is, the down payment will come by midnight tomorrow. If He's not, it won't. Simple. It's not often that we get such clear evidence of either being or not being in God's perfect will.

I have no problem admitting that I shall be disappointed if this doesn't happen. I've done a lot of "if it happens" planning. It seems so perfect and I still believe God has purpose in this move beyond a disruptive uprooting and replanting. However, we'll soon see.

Right now, I do not see any way possible that the funds could come in. I am doing absolutely nothing else to try to make it happen. In the beginning, I put out quotations for books and offered discounts for prepayments, but none of that bore any fruit. Now, if it happens,  it will be in a way I never could have imagined.

I'm going to bed. Only one sleep stands between me and resolution...

1 comment:

Journey Girl Talking said...

I feel for your struggle and am praying for provision.

However, whether or not God provides the miracle you need for the house, may I suggest He is "in it" with you no matter which way it goes?

I think we make our decisions and no matter which way it goes, whether good or not, God is in it with us.

What do you think? Am I just playing with words? Perhaps you feel the same way, just used the words in a different context?

I am looking forward to hearing the outcome and if crossed fingers helped any, all of mine, plus toes, would be crossed for you.

Journey Girl