Monday, June 21, 2010

The Anatomy of a Miracle – Post #15 – 38 days to Move

Today was a very special day - a milestone of sorts!

Four years ago, at the age of 60, my world exploded and, by the time the dust settled, I was left with nothing but memories and some "stuff." I had to start life totally over at a time when my friends were winding down into retirement. With no source of income, I had to go back to school and develop a new career, so I chose graphic design. But who would hire a 60-year-old? With that realization, I started my own business from scratch. It has been extremely challenging. Only a couple of my closest friends know just how challenging it has been.

When all this business about moving came up, I simply assumed that I would be renting again, as I have been for the past four years – but when it became apparent that I needed to buy, I had grave doubts about meeting the bank's qualifications for a mortgage. Nevertheless, I had to move forward, try the doors and trust God.

However – today I realize that I have turned the corner. The bank has pre-approved me for a mortgage, conditional on having a down payment. I'm amazed that I've qualified! To me, that's a miracle in itself. I'm recovering from being ruined. I've walked out of devastation – hand in hand with Jesus. Today is a new day!!!! I just realized as I'm writing this - today really is a day of restoration. Had my marriage not been destroyed, it would have been my 42nd wedding anniversary. Instead of this being a day of regret, it's a day of restoration! That is so wonderful!!!!! Thank you Lord.

By this weekend, I need to have the down payment in the bank. Will some of those quotes I've tendered generate positive responses? Or will the Lord reveal a different solution?

Stay tuned!

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