Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Anatomy of a Miracle – Post #17 – 36 days to Move

Well, it's official - "my" little house on the lake has been sold – however - my realtor has come up with another excellent possibility, considerably less expensive but still perfect for my needs.

It's a bit of a nail-biter, because this place just came on the market yesterday and has already had a showing to another potential buyer who is returning tomorrow for a second look. However, I can't get anxious because I know God will make a way for the right place.

I also got a line on another potential rental today, but again - a dead end. I feel very strongly that I'm to buy anyway.

Things are getting exciting. It won't be long before God shows His hand. Tomorrow is Thursday, followed by Friday when the funds need to be in the bank for the down payment.

People are getting nervous about this deadline I've set and I appreciate their concern because I know they are afraid I'll be disappointed. I am so thankful for people who care.

Just to reassure everyone, here's how it is:

God is my source. He knows that I have to move. I have given my life to Him totally and so He holds it in His hands. I am not afraid. I am not my own. God is my Father. He loves me and will look after me. I really don't care how any of this works out as long as I know that God is with me and that I am in the center of His will. Sitting homeless on the sidewalk in Toronto (which I won't be) with God beside me would be hugely preferable to living in a mansion out of His perfect will. And that's how it is. I don't care. My life is His life and He is free to do with it as He pleases. I've asked Him to supply me with a home, but if He has another plan, I'm there.

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